The Tourism and Hospitality sector was the hardest-hit sector of the economy by COVID-19 Outbreak. The COVID-19 impact economic study carried out on the sector indicated; 1 Million tourist arrivals were lost, 7 in every 10 jobs in the sector lost, 8 in every 10 hotels business registered business cancellations, 448,996 hotel rooms were cancelled between March to July 2020, 9 in every 10 tour companies registered cancellations, Average Job loss in the sector was 74.4% (MTWA,2020).
With support from MasterCard Foundation, Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU) came up with this intervention, to support Tourism and Hospitality enterprises. Through the Covid-19 Economic Recovery and Resilience ResponseProgram (CERRP Project).
Proposed Action
This proposed action is to support the tourism and hospitality MSMEs to mitigate effects of COVID -19 through structured business recovery and resilience support, especially through a common user facilityUgandaTourism Association (UTA), to return to work and support the economy through re-employment of those that lost jobs and creation of new opportunities, especially for youth and women.
Project Focus
This project focuses on creating job opportunities and increase revenue for the tourism and hospitality MSMEs. The interventions will improve marketing and promotion using modern marketing technologies to drive demand and stimulate travel especially for the domestic travelers who will then lead to the restoration of Jobs and the creation of new ones while triggering international travel confidence.
Project Goal & Strategic Objectives
“The main objective of this intervention is to increase business recovery and resilience in the tourism and hospitality sector in the face of COVID -19 Pandemic”
Specific Objectives:
- Improved marketing and product development among tourism and hospitality MSMEs
- Improved supply chain and sourcing of products and services for the players in the tourism value chain.
- Promoted alternative routes to markets through digitization/Virtual Tour promotion
- Improved institutional capacity and promoted corporate governance
- Promoted and adopted standards for tourism Business enterprises
- Improved Skills for enhanced service delivery among actors in the value chain